does This sound like you..…


Wondering how to simplify ​your fuel strategy with precise ​macro tracking?

feel drained after long ​workouts and hectic ​schedules?

Wondering how you can ​transform that exhaustion ​into efficient, results-driven ​sessions

Ever find yourself lost in the ​nutrition maze?

Struggling with self-​doubt and comparison in ​your fitness journey?

Ever wondered about ​building mental ​resilience and ​celebrating YOUR unique ​path?

Are injuries slowing you ​down and causing ​frustration?

Curious about effective ​prevention strategies ​and holistic recovery?

I feel you – I've been there too, struggling with stress eating, ​misguided workouts, and mental blocks. It's like trying to ​navigate a maze blindfolded, especially after dealing with an ​injury. I get it.

I used to drown my anxiety in food and booze, thinking more ​cardio would fix it. But guess what? It was a dead-end road. My ​mindset was a mess, and I became someone I couldn't stand. I ​get the feeling of gasping for air, trapped like a fish ​underwater.

But one day, I woke up and said, "Enough is enough!" It wasn't ​a magical moment; it was a decision to change. I immersed ​myself in nutrition and fitness, learning by doing. That passion ​drove me to help others thrive in their struggles.

I know you might be thinking, "Someday, I'll make a change." ​But let me tell you, there's no such thing as someday. There's ​only today, and tomorrow becomes today too. I'm here to guide ​you through proper nutrition, effective workouts, and ​overcoming mental roadblocks. Together, we'll break free from ​the cycle and reach peak performance. It's not about someday; ​it's about seizing today to create a better tomorrow. Let's get ​started on your journey to success! .

hey ​superstar.

I get it

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hi im kat

I help busy tired mamas achieve ​peak performance through ​evidence based time-effective ​workouts, precise macro ​tracking nutrition, and injury ​prevention strategies


I feel so grateful for Kat and her workout program!

Before I started this program I wanted to workout but had no clue how to schedule a decent one in my day. Not only does she make the program fit for your individual lifestyle but they are quality workouts and you can feel them working day one.

Not only are we side sisters with Thrive and our products are mind blowing! But pairing our amazing products with her workout program is just a beautiful match.

Myself being a busy toddler mama, who homeschools, owns/runs 3 businesses, I can manage to get a good solid workout in and see/feel results! It’s possible and so worth it.



Huge shout out to Kat Wall for all of her help in the gym !!!

Feeling great and actually enjoying exercising !

I really feel like she has given me amazing advice on nutrition and the basics of what I need to be doing in the gym.

her app is very user friendly with a scanner for your food and videos to follow along as visuals.



Kat is so knowledgeable and has provided me with continuous support through my wellness journey.

Her app is everything you need to reach your fitness goals.



full 16 weeks!


16 weeks!

18 weeks!

2 weeks In

with Inches off waist!

2 weeks In

with Inches off waist!

How can we work together?

Peak Performance is my highest level of 1:1 ​coaching in fitness and nutrition with open ​enrollment but limited spots available!

In 16 week, you will tackle the time crunch in the ​gym, master macro tracking and learn injury ​prevmention strategies to achieve peak ​performance! A happy balance of weight ​training and nutrition even with a busy schedule!

Fit Mama Mastery is my 8 week group fitness ​and nutrition coaching program that will be ​running again in Nov 2024. Learn how to ​build strength inside and out and master the ​kitchen through time effective workouts and ​macro tracking. Build healthy habits and ​encourage and support others in the group!

Fit Mama Mentorship is 16 weeks of 1:1 ​fitness coaching. Say goodbye to the guilt of ​skipping workouts and the pressure to ​overcompensate for days missed. Learn the ​effectiveness of workouts with muscle ​exhaustion so you font have to sacrafice time ​I am here to guide you towards finding ​harmony in your fitness routine, without ​sacrificing precious hours or compromising ​your well-being and cause injuries.

Mama’s Peak Nutrition is 16 weeks of 1:1 ​nutrition coaching. Say goodbye to the ​confusion in the kitchen. Learn how to ​properly fuel your body before, during and ​after activity for peak performance. With ​guidance in precise macro tracking, recipe ​packs and meal plans delivered to you ​weekly.

One year of nutrition resources at your ​fingertips that Include : lifetime access to 12 ​recipe packs, sample meal plans, and ​shopping lists, variety of handouts, guides, ​and other materials targeting nutrition and ​pre- recorded trainings

Self study course

Join us as I share practical tips, expert advice, ​on how to successfully hit peak performance ​with time-effective workouts, mastering ​macros + injury prevention strategies even ​with a busy schedule.

An additional service to simplify your ​nutriton!! FARM TO TABLE meal delivery ​service. Never frozen, no preservatives, grass ​fed beef, fresh wild caught seafood. DM me to ​get yours started!

An additional service to fuel your body the ​right way! Vitamins that you feel working ​right away. Filling your nutritional gaps to ​maximum your full potential!

DM me to help get yours started!

A monthly fitness membership at month to ​month rates, 6 month rate or annual rate. Get ​video demonstrated - time effective workouts ​delievered to you on your phone via my ​fitness app and nutrition tracking, and step ​tracking!


Download my app!

Free training

or challenges

Coming ​soon

stay tuned

Upgrade your home gym

Monoline Home Gym Icon

upgrade your weights​ into adjustable weights, ​and so much more

Illustration of Dumbbell

Turn your dumbbells into barbell +kettlebells

also grab resistance bands!

Let’s connect



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