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Are you worried about staying on track during summer?

Unsure if you can stick with your goals with traveling and events?

Already feeling guilty for what you THINK is going to happen with your goals this summer?

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How to make your health and fitness journey less stressful

A Free

2 day EVENT

April 16 + 17 @ 10 am EST

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This Is for you If you:

  • feel that bc you travel and have a ​bunch of events - you will fall off ​track

  • use the gym to make up for days you ​missed and food you ate.

  • think cardio and restricted eating ​Is the answer to make up for those ​calories

  • feel that you do not have time for ​your workouts and meal prepping

  • so stressed out even thinking ​about it
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Hi there! I’m Kat. I help mamas ​achieve peak athletic performance ​through evidence based time effective ​workouts, easy macro tracking and ​injury prevention strategies!

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I was a stress eater.

I used food and sometimes alcohol to fill my anxious void without even knowing it.

I was in the mindset of more cardio for each bad food I ate.

My mindset was TRASH. I hated everything about who I was.

This anger inside me lead me to have a bad bad attitude.

I didnt care about anything.

I was drowning and thought there was no solution for me.

I wont tell you there was an AH-HA moment for me bc there wasnt. I just woke up one day and said I've had enough. I cannot live like this.

I put in the work, I learned everything I could about nutrition and fitness. I am a learner by doing so I had to learn myself.

That passion brought me here. I know deep in my sole this is what I was put on this earth to do. I am in world to be helping people thrive when they feel like they are falling and have no way out.

where is your head at, right now? Because I know youre thinking about SOMEDAY, but honey; theres no such thing as someday, theres only today and tomorrow will turn into today too.

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lets connect!